And if this was not enough to convince you, here are some of the latest stats reports regarding this platform that will surely get you thinking:
Shopify’s revenue in the first quarter of 2022 was $1.2 billion. (source: Demand Sage)
There are at least 3.9 million live websites that use Shopify. (source, BuiltWith)
81% of Shopify traffic comes from mobile. (source: Shopify & You)
The majority of Shopify merchants are between 25 and 34. (source: Shopify)
Shopify has contributed $307.04 billion in economic activity worldwide. (source: Shopify)
من حيث منصات التجارة الإلكترونية، يتميز Shopify Plus عن باقي المنصات. سهولة استخدامه، خيارات التخصيص، القدرة على التوسع، الأمان، والدعم القوي والمجتمع تجعله الخيار الأول للشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم.