
Månedlig abonnementstjeneste for å tenne din indre ingeniør og inspirere deg til å strekke deg etter stjernene.
Praella Shopify Plus Agency - CrunchLabs - Mark Robber - Hero Image



Tilby unike månedlige abonnementer

CrunchLabs, som en abonnement-basert e-handelsvirksomhet, har som mål å tilby kundene unike og eksklusive månedlige produkter for å øke tilfredsheten og tilbakeholdelsen. Imidlertid støtte de på en utfordring med å implementere denne funksjonen, da den ikke var tilgjengelig som standard i ReCharge-plattformen.

For å overvinne dette, søkte CrunchLabs innovative løsninger for å tilby kundene en personlig opplevelse. De utforsket ulike alternativer og bestemte seg til slutt for å integrere en tilpasset funksjon inn i plattformen sin, slik at de kunne kuratere unike produkter for abonnentene sine månedlig.


CrunchLabs hadde lagt merke til at kundene deres hadde problemer med å spore kommende abonnementordrer. Dette førte til misnøye og forvirring, som påvirket virksomheten deres. Derfor ba de oss om å vise kommende ordre datoer i kundekontoadministrasjonen.


Offering unique monthly subscriptions

In order to overcome the Recharge blocker, we provided a custom solution that leverages the ReCharge order to create a webhook. We created a webhook that triggers the creation of new orders with unique products on a monthly basis. The webhook was configured to automate the generation of new orders and products, enabling our clients to focus on other aspects of their business.

To implement our custom solution, we collaborated with our client's development team to create custom code integrated with their existing ReCharge setup. We designed a separate system to manage the subscription and product generation process, allowing our client to offer a unique and exciting subscription service.

In technical terms:

1) We created one collection with 12 unique items.

2) When the first order is placed, the subscription's line item property is updated with the second box properties (Product title, id, SKU). We achieved our initial goal by combining this and using Recharge's order creation webhook.

With this, 1 box will be delivered every month for 12 months, and the process will continue automatically later.

By taking this approach, CrunchLabs was able to differentiate itself from its competitors and provide its customers with a one-of-a-kind experience. Our custom solution provided them a competitive edge in the subscription industry by overcoming the blocker of the default feature not being available in ReCharge. By automating the process of generating new orders and products, our client was able to focus on other aspects of their business and improve their overall efficiency.

Orders status dashboard

To address our client's requirement, we provided a custom solution that uses the Recharge’s Subscription Delivery API to display the next order date. The Subscription Delivery API is a powerful tool that provides merchants with a wide range of data related to their subscription products. By leveraging this API, we retrieved the next order date for each customer's subscription product and displayed it in their account dashboard.

To implement this custom solution, we collaborated with our client's development team to integrate the Subscription Delivery API into their existing ReCharge setup. We created a custom code that retrieved the next order date for each customer's subscription product and displayed it in the customer account dashboard.

This solution enabled our client to display upcoming order dates for their subscription products in the customer account dashboard. By providing transparency and visibility into their subscription orders, our client was able to improve customer satisfaction and retention. Customers could keep track of their upcoming orders and plan accordingly, which led to a better overall experience.

Mock Up
Hvordan vi hjalp

Egendefinerte løsninger og utradisjonell tenkning

Vårt team tilbød skreddersydde løsninger for å overvinne utfordringer som kunden vår i abonnementsbransjen sto overfor. Vi løste vellykket Recharge-blokken ved å lage en webhook som automatiserte genereringen av nye bestillinger med unike produkter hver måned. Dette gjorde det mulig for kunden vår å tilby en distinkt abonnementstjeneste samtidig som de kunne fokusere på andre aspekter av virksomheten sin. Ved å differensiere kunden vår fra konkurrentene, ga vår skreddersydde løsning dem en konkurransefordel, noe som forbedret deres evne til å imøtekomme kundens krav effektivt.

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