Kickee Pants

Where Comfort Meets Cute
Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Kickee Pants

The Brief

The Challenge

Offering unique monthly subscriptions

CrunchLabs, as a subscription-based ecommerce business, aims to provide customers with unique and exclusive monthly products to enhance their satisfaction and retention rates. However, they encountered a challenge in implementing this feature as it was not available by default in the ReCharge platform.

To overcome this, CrunchLabs sought innovative solutions to offer their customers a personalized experience. They explored various options and eventually decided to integrate a custom feature into their platform, allowing them to curate unique products for their subscribers monthly.

Orders status dashboard

Crunchlabs had noticed that their customers struggled to track their upcoming subscription orders. This led to dissatisfaction and confusion, which affected their business. Therefore, they asked us to show upcoming order dates in the customer account dashboard.

The Solution

KicKee Pants offers products in an extensive range of colors and sizes, making the ability to search and filter by specific age ranges and shades particularly important. However, this proved a challenge with their native platform, as did controlling product arrangement throughout the online store.

The lack of advanced filter and sort options meant KicKee Pants’ shoppers had to scroll through results pages to locate the right styles, colors, and sizes for their needs. 

KicKee Pants needed a solution to deliver the best results for their shoppers, making it as quick and easy as possible to find what they were looking for. And with frequent stock updates and collection drops, the latest arrivals and best sellers also needed to be easier to find – and ultimately, purchase.

Kickee Pants Mobile Mock up
How We Helped

Partnerships and custom solutions

Since implementing Searchspring in January 2023, KicKee Pants has experienced a significant increase in search usage and a boost in orders and revenue driven by search.

During the last 90 days alone, 36% of KicKee Pants’ orders were generated from site searches, making up 38% of their online revenue. They also experienced 2.7x higher revenue per visit from shoppers using search vs. shoppers who did not.

Within the same period, KicKee Pants achieved a solid 2.2% Order-to-review rate, collecting a massive 754 reviews with Yotpo. The online retailer has also maintained a strong average star rating of 4.88 – tangible proof that shoppers love their products and overall online shopping experience.

In addition, KicKee Pants’ reviews program has captured an outstanding engagement rate of 52.2%, driving a remarkable 8.9% conversion rate and 60.8% of sales from shoppers who interacted with ratings and reviews powered by Yotpo.

Kickee Pants Desktop Homepage Screenshot

“We can create dynamic rules that arrange products for us and feel confident knowing that our shoppers always find the right products. We highly recommend Searchspring for brands looking to enhance their online experience and see real results.”

- Kristal Smith, Head of Web Development at KicKee Pants
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