
Speciality Print Solutions

The Brief

The Challenges

RELYCO is a New Hampshire-based supplier of unique print products designed for thousands of uses, enabling customers to maximize their printer investments. With a growing family of 30,000 customers, RELYCO has been a trusted partner for over 35 years, serving clients across all industries, including federal, state, and local governments. Their product experts collaborate closely with clients to understand their challenges and develop tailored solutions, whether through stock products or custom jobs.

RELYCO approached our team with the need to revamp their website, The existing website was outdated, not mobile-responsive, and had poor SEO performance. As they onboarded new young entrepreneurs, they primarily focused on giving the website a modern look and enhancing navigation.

Project Objectives

  • Enhance User Experience (UX): 
  • Migration:
  • Optimize for SEO:
  • Developing and setting up a Custom Salesforce Connector: 

The Solution

Shopify Plus Implementation

We initiated a new store on Shopify Plus, providing a robust and scalable foundation for RELYCO’s ecommerce operations.

Data Migration

We undertook extensive data migration from Magento and Salesforce to Shopify Plus, ensuring seamless continuity and data integrity:

  • Customer Account Data: Migrated up to 17,000 customer records, creating a custom app for Salesforce integration to ensure real-time synchronization between platforms.
  • Historical Order Data: Transferred 13,000 order records from Magento to Shopify Plus.
  • Collection Data: Migrated up to 80 collections.
  • Product Data: Migrated 450 product records.

Content Migration with Technical SEO and 301 Redirects

Migrated substantial content from Magento to Shopify Plus, including 150 blog posts and 65 content pages. After which we implemented technical SEO strategies and 301 redirects to preserve RELYCO’s search engine rankings and improve site visibility.

High-fidelity Design and Development

We developed high-fidelity designs for desktop and mobile platforms, ensuring a modern, user-friendly interface. Our development team translated these designs into a fully functional, high-performance ecommerce site.

App Set-Up and Integrations

Integrated key applications and systems to enhance functionality and streamline operations:

  • ERP Integration with Salesforce: Developed a custom connector app to facilitate real-time data synchronization between Shopify and Salesforce. This included:
Ensuring Data Integrity and Continuity

Comprehensive and Seamless Data Transition

17,000 customer records by creating a custom app for Salesforce integration to ensure real-time synchronization between platforms.

13,000 order records successfully migrated from Magento to Shopify Plus, along with 80 collections and 450 product records.

Migrated WordPress content to Shopify Plus, including 150 blog posts and 65 content pages.

Praella Shopify Agency - Paper Relyco
How We Helped

Custom Solutions and Special Tweaks

Dynamic Footer Image

To enhance the visual appeal and user engagement on, we implemented a dynamic footer image that automatically changes on every page refresh. This feature adds a unique touch to the website, ensuring visitors always experience a fresh look, which can help maintain their interest and encourage extended site visits.

Relyco animated footer
How We Helped

Custom Solutions and Special Tweaks

Stock Availability Display

We developed a custom solution to manage and display product stock availability. This solution shows or greys product variants based on their stock status directly on the product detail page (PDP). By providing real-time visibility into product availability, this feature helps improve the user experience, reduce customer frustration, and increase the likelihood of successful purchases.

Relyco PDP
How We Helped

Custom Solutions and Special Tweaks

Separate B2B Login Setup

To cater to RelyCO’s business clients, we established a separate B2B login setup on the site. This functionality provides a tailored experience for business customers, including access to exclusive features such as bulk ordering, special pricing, and customized account management. By segmenting B2B and B2C experiences, RelyCO can better serve the unique needs of its diverse customer base, fostering stronger business relationships and driving higher sales.

RD1 Become A Reseller Desktop
Results Achieved


The website revamp project was a comprehensive effort to modernize the site, improve user experience, and drive business growth. By leveraging the latest technologies and adhering to best practices in web development and design, we delivered a site that not only meets RELYCO's current needs but also positions them for future success.

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Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Seedsheet man in the garden