Fenty Beauty

Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Fenty model




Praella 开始与 Fenty Beauty 合作, 当他们的团队决定重新改善网站用户体验时。Fenty 的目标是将其在线商店和品牌提升到一个新的水平。

因此 Praella 的团队被要求更新购物体验和产品页面,使其更加直接和引人注目,营造一种干净、简约和优雅的氛围。

其中一个挑战是色调选择的问题。Fenty Beauty 对于迎合每种肤色非常自豪,提供 60 多种色调,因此他们需要一个完美的色调选择方案来满足他们心爱的顾客。



为了为客户提供最佳体验,Fenty Beauty 团队需要一个定制化的解决方案,以简化客户的结账过程。



作为一个致力于包容的有意识品牌,Fenty 已经建立了一个非营利组织,以支持全球儿童。因此,采用捐款部分来进一步推动其使命是合乎逻辑的。通过这样做,Fenty 展示了对改善所有儿童生活的承诺。


为了确保客户拥有尽可能顺畅的体验,Fenty 团队请求对他们的页面导航菜单进行更新。他们已经实施了一个定制的应用程序,但意识到需要额外的应用功能。他们主动进行了必要的更新,以确保客户拥有最佳体验。


Product page

Under the guidance of the Fenty team, our developers started mapping out a better product page layout for the Fenty beauty customers. 

Considering the wide shade range the brand offers for its customers, our team came up with a custom solution that would make the shade selection easy for the customers and the merchants as well, as Fenty continued to expand its range. This solution made the process of shade matching easier and faster for the customers, improving their shopping experience.

In addition to the upsell functionality, our team added a “recently viewed” section to the page, allowing customers to return to the item they might have wanted easily, but were unsure of buying.

Our team also improved the visitor experience by rearranging the design elements and placing them in the most suitable areas of the page, resulting in a more appealing website design overall.

Customization of the checkout Cart

In order to provide a better checkout experience for the Fenty customers, our team rearranged the layout of the checkout cart and added all the necessary fields on the same window. This way, their customers could quickly fill out their information and the preferred shipping method without restarting their shopping process, which would shorten the time needed to complete the order, and directly influence the cart abandonment rate.

Charity Section

Our team developed a custom solution to support the Charity segment of the website, which included an option for customers to donate checkout if they wished to contribute to the foundation. This feature gives customers an easy and convenient way to show their support for the cause.


In order to ensure their customers have the most seamless experience possible, our team made necessary updates to their page navigational menu. We improved their mega navigational menu allowing the customers to find what they wanted easily and improving their overall shopping experiences in the store. 

Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Fenty Beauty website mockup


为客户和商家提供一个自定义解决方案,以便于选择色调,因为 Fenty 继续扩展其产品系列。该解决方案简化了色调匹配过程,使其对客户而言更迅速、更便捷,从而提升了他们的购物体验。

Mega Menu CRO


Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Fenty Beauty website menu
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