
Praella Shopify Plus Agency - PlasticPlace Case Study Hero Image



NetSuite integration

As a company specializing in manufacturing and distributing plastic bags and liners for various industries, it could be said that PlasticPlace has some unique business practices.

To accommodate those, the integration with NetSuite required some customizations. For example, the company needed to integrate its product catalog, which includes various sizes and types of plastic bags and liners. This posed a challenge because NetSuite's out-of-the-box solution did not support the complexity of PlasticPlace's collections.

This meant that PlasticPlace needed to define its integration goals and objectives, identify the specific business processes that needed to be integrated with NetSuite, and develop a plan for implementing the customizations required to achieve these goals.

A need for the automatic size calculation

To improve its order fulfillment process, PlasticPlace decided to implement an automated system for calculating package size on its website. This would allow customers to input their order details, such as the number of plastic bags and liners required and the dimensions of the products they needed to package. The system would then automatically calculate the appropriate package size required to fulfill the order.

Implementing the process would eliminate the need for manual entry by PlasticPlace's staff, which was previously required to determine the appropriate package size for each order.

By removing the manual components of the process, the company could reduce errors, improve order fulfillment accuracy, and reduce the time required to process orders, allowing them to fulfill more orders in a shorter period.

Credit System Implementation

PlasticPlace recognized the value of catering to its frequent buyers, so it decided to implement a credit limit system that would allow them to purchase items via invoice. This system would enhance the customer experience by enabling them to make purchases and defer payment until later, typically with an agreed-upon payment term.

By having a system to manage credit accounts and invoice payments, the company could more efficiently track customer orders and payments, reducing the administrative burden of manual invoice processing.

Moreover, the credit limit system would allow PlasticPlace to improve its cash flow by providing predictable revenue streams from customers with established credit accounts. And would help to reduce the risk of late payments or non-payment, which could negatively impact the company's financial stability.


NetSuite 整合

將信用限額系統與 NetSuite 整合似乎是一項簡單的任務。然而,實施此功能可能會變得複雜,需要一系列腳本以及整合多個字段以使其無縫運作。對 PlasticPlace 而言,就是這種情況,他們需要一個可以與 NetSuite 現有 ERP 系統整合的自訂信用限額系統。

實施過程涉及若干步驟,包括開發自訂腳本,以便將信用限額系統無縫整合進 NetSuite。


這一複雜的整合過程產生了一個易於控制的信用限額系統,並提供有關客戶信用限額、計費和支付歷史的詳細資訊。這使 PlasticPlace 能更好地管理其信用賬戶,並做出有根據的信用擴展決策。

此外,將信用限額系統與 NetSuite 整合有助於簡化 PlasticPlace 的財務和會計流程。


從 Magento 2 遷移到 ShopifyPlus

PlasticPlace 需要將數據從現有的 Magento 2 環境遷移至 Shopify,這意味著需要轉移所有客戶數據和評價。涉及的數據複雜性以及確保所有數據準確轉移的需求使這項任務變得更加挑戰。

遷移過程涉及幾個步驟,包括徹底的數據審查,以識別任何不一致或缺失的信息。團隊然後提取數據從 Magento 2 並將其轉換為易於導入到 Shopify 的格式。

在幾輪測試和調整後,遷移過程成功完成,所有客戶數據和評價都準確轉移到新的 Shopify 平台。這使 PlasticPlace 能夠無縫過渡到新平台,而不擾亂其業務運營。


為進一步簡化 PlasticPlace 的操作,實施了一個包裝尺寸和袋子尺寸管理工具。它消除了手動輸入的需要,並確保了其訂單履行過程的更高準確性。通過這個新功能,客戶可以確定適當的尺寸,使訂購過程更加高效。

包裝尺寸和袋子尺寸管理工具是通過定制現有系統以適應 PlasticPlace 的獨特需求來開發的。團隊創建了腳本,允許他們將解決方案與 NetSuite 和 Shopify 整合,確保可以在所有平台上使用。

此外,實施訂單追蹤是另一個整合到 NetSuite 和 Shopify 的關鍵功能。這一功能提供了對訂單履行過程更大的可見性,讓客戶可以從頭到尾追蹤其訂單。利用這一功能,客戶可以輕鬆獲取訂單的實時更新,包括運輸信息和預期交貨日期。

通過將訂單追蹤整合進 NetSuite 和 Shopify,PlasticPlace 能夠簡化其訂單履行過程,減少管理操作所需的時間和精力,並提供更好的客戶體驗。

如何 PRAELLA, SHOPIFY PLUS 代理商, 幫助提升他們的業務


聽聽Dave本人如何將Praella戰略性地轉變PlasticPlace的Shopify Plus商店,成為行業領導者。獲得我們團隊提供的廣泛自定義的第一手見解,以改善他們的客戶旅程,最大化銷售,並創建一個強大的數字存在。

Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Mobile Screenshots of PlasticPlace Website


我們實施的其他顯著解決方案包括網站速度優化、為退款、部分退款、訂單追蹤及自定義應用程式和整合提供的自訂腳本。我們的信用額度自訂應用程式及與 NetSuite 的自訂整合尤其使我們的客戶受益。它們使得客戶的信用管理流程更加流暢,並改善了他們整體的業務運營。



尼梅什·戴夫,Plasticplace 首席資訊官兼首席技術官。
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