Plate Crate

No. 1 baseball-themed Subscription Service
Praella Shopify Plus Agency - Plate Crate header image

The Brief

The Challenge

Outdated Design

The website design did not align with Plate Crate's brand identity. It lacked visual appeal and failed to engage visitors effectively.

New Product Introduction

Plate Crate aimed to expand its product offerings by introducing 'PlateCrate Pro,' a subscription box targeting a different customer segment. The challenge was effectively showcasing both 'PlateCrate' and 'PlateCrate Pro,' highlighting their unique value propositions.

Poor Mobile Experience

With an increasing number of users accessing the website through mobile devices, the lack of mobile optimization hindered engagement and conversion rates.

Account Management Complexity

The previous 'My Account' dashboard was not user-friendly, making it challenging for customers to manage their subscriptions efficiently.

Inefficient Collection Page Filters

The product search process was cumbersome due to the lack of an integrated and streamlined filter setup, impacting user satisfaction.

Inadequate Brand Storytelling

The absence of a compelling 'About Us' page prevented Plate Crate from effectively communicating its brand's journey and values to customers.

The Solution

Redesigning the Website

A visually appealing website design was created, incorporating animation effects to attract and retain visitors. The new layout prioritized simplicity, intuitive navigation, and a smooth user experience.

Subscription Landing Page

A dedicated landing page was developed to showcase 'PlateCrate' and 'PlateCrate Pro,' emphasizing customers' unique benefits and potential savings.

Mobile Optimization

The website was fully responsive, ensuring a seamless browsing experience across various devices and improving engagement and conversion rates for mobile users.

Customized Account Dashboard

The 'My Account' dashboard underwent a complete overhaul, providing users with a modern and intuitive interface. This redesign facilitated easy access to account information and streamlined subscription management with features like one-click actions for subscription swaps, cancellations, and upgrades to PlateCrate Pro.

Streamlined Collection Page Filters

The collection page was enhanced with a new filter setup directly integrated into the Shopify platform, eliminating the need for a third-party app. This built-in solution simplified the product search process, allowing customers to browse products easily based on tags and significantly improving user satisfaction.

Engaging 'About Us' Page

An informative and engaging 'About Us' page was created to share Plate Crate's brand story and commitment to quality. This addition aimed to build customer trust and rapport, establishing a stronger connection between the brand and its audience.


A Shopify Plus Success Story

In this short spotlight, Josh Band, the founder of no1. Baseball subscription service Plate Crate shares his transformative experience partnering with our Shopify Plus Agency. Our journey with Plate Crate is a showcase of what can be achieved when technology meets passion. Tune in to hear Josh talk about the strategy, seamless implementation, and unwavering support that the Praella team offered to elevate Plate Crate to the big leagues of ecommerce. Witness firsthand the driving forces behind Plate Crate's unprecedented growth. We combine high-level strategy with hands-on execution to not just meet, but exceed expectations.

How We Helped

Results and Achievements

Implementing these solutions allowed Plate Crate to achieve their goals, resulting in improved customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and a strengthened online presence.

The website's speed was significantly improved, enhancing the browsing experience with faster page loading times.

Plate Crate successfully expanded their product offerings with the introduction of 'PlateCrate Pro' and effectively communicated their brand's story and values through the 'About Us page.

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Homepage Redesign - Plate Crate

I initially chose Praella as my Shopify agency to protect the website. I was scared our website would go down, and we needed somebody technical in a team to prevent that. Still, it's materialized into something entirely different. Now, we use them for growth. We do Dev projects and CRO projects, and we think of Praella as not only insurance against our website going down but also as our growth team. The development of our website has improved by working with Praella drastically. When we started with them, we were a relatively small business, and we've grown a lot since then. They give us the ability to test on-site, so if we have different ideas for our website, we want to change something or customize something to make a better experience for the customers.

- Josh Band, the founder of Plate Crate
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