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El Resumen

El Desafío

Aunque Pipstick no enfrentaba problemas significativos, la necesidad de innovar y mantenerse al día con las tendencias del mercado era esencial. El objetivo era ofrecer a los clientes una apariencia y sensación frescas con una interfaz de usuario atractiva y fácil de usar. Un objetivo adicional era reducir las redundancias en su oferta de productos y mejorar sus servicios de suscripción. Con la actualización de ReCharge 2.0, surgieron algunos problemas que también necesitaban ser abordados.

La Solución

Our team was brought on board to redesign and address the identified issues. The new design was the main highlight of the project. We focused on creating a design that was aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. The emphasis was on creating a platform encouraging users to explore the products, sign up for subscriptions, and create a seamless shopping experience.

Along with the redesign, we introduced a new subscription model. This model was designed to enhance customer engagement and offer options that would attract more recurring customers.

One of the major tasks we undertook was the product and tags audit. This process involved the elimination of duplicate subscriptions to make the offerings more streamlined and less confusing for the customers. The audit also highlighted the most attractive products, and customers could easily find what they were looking for.

Furthermore, we identified and addressed the issues arising from the ReCharge 2.0 update. Despite the update being carried out by the ReCharge team, we took it upon ourselves to resolve the problems that were causing inconvenience to the clients. Our solutions helped enhance the order processing system, especially for orders made after 8th April 2023.


Una Historia de Éxito de Shopify Plus

Meet Nathaniel Vázques, Co-Founder of Pipsticks, as he shares his exciting journey with our Shopify Plus Agency. Together, we embarked on a path to take Pipsticks' ecommerce vision to new heights. In this exclusive testimonial, Nathan delves into the collaborative spirit, innovative solutions, and robust support that shaped their brand's success. & Join us as we uncover the passion, dedication, and creative genius behind Pipsticks and see how we made their Shopify dreams come alive. From strategic planning to seamless execution, we've proven that the right partnership can transform a vision into a vibrant reality.

Cómo ayudamos

Resultados y Logros

The website redesign led to an immediate positive impact on user engagement. The new design improved the website's visual appeal and made navigation more intuitive.

Existing customers appreciated the subscription model and attracted new ones, enhancing Pipstick's recurring customer base.

Product and tags audits eliminated redundancy and improved the overall customer shopping experience, as the users found the interface less cluttered and more organized.

Lastly, resolving issues related to the ReCharge 2.0 update ensured that the order processing system worked flawlessly, increasing customer satisfaction.

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Homepage - Pipsticks - desktop

"Trabajar con Praella ha sido fantástico hasta ahora. Una de las partes más fuertes de la relación ha sido su capacidad de respuesta. Son realmente fáciles de contactar siempre que tenemos un problema. Están felices de charlar con nosotros de inmediato y resolver todos nuestros inconvenientes. Han cumplido y superado nuestras expectativas en términos de comunicación y capacidad de respuesta. Siempre están ahí para hablar y, si es necesario, sobre-comunicar, que es como me gusta. Y estamos encantados con la calidad del sitio web que Praella ha construido para nosotros. Se ve hermoso, es fácil de usar y nuestras tasas de conversión han mejorado y aumentado desde que lanzamos el sitio web."

Nathan Vázques, Co-Fundador de Pipsticks
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